----------VISUAL EDWARDS RESULTS: 'Providence, government' - RBoss---------- Visualization is 48 x 27 inches Term Set A: providence, providence, providence, providence, providence Term Set B: govern, government, government, government, government Distance between terms: up to '10' Labels: 'yes' Terms A/B: WJE 8:488 WJE 9:335 WJE 12:319 WJE 15:373 WJE 15:388 WJE 17:51 WJE 17:388 WJE 18:68 WJE 19:69 WJE 20:46 WJE 20:53 WJE 20:95 WJE 21:227 WJE 23:105 WJE 23:106 WJE 23:549 WJE 23:677 WJE 24:1031 WJE 25:65 Terms B/A: WJE 13:297 WJE 14:421 Visualization color theme is 'gnuplot2' Highlighted term: 'providence' Highlighted term: 'govern' Highlighted term: 'government' Background color is 'black' and label color is 'white' Visualization layout is 'spring' Layout seed is '1' Processing time: 00h:00m:31.44s